We have seen a lot this year. After curating and sharing 2,411 links with 358,917 designers all around the world, we have identified a few of the trends our industry has been writing, talking, and thinking about. Here’s what to expect for User Experience in 2020.
Buzzword of the year: Dark mode
For being every designer’s top concern in a year where not much is happening anyway, right? (Source code)

Book of the year: Ruined by design
For pushing the ethics discussion to the design community attention in 2019. Now that the topic has your attention, you should also check out:
Future Ethics
Technically wrong
Programmed inequality
So you want to talk about race

Game design of the year: Ape Out
For creating a masterpiece that mixes brilliant music with unexpected visuals.

Portfolio of the year: Bethany Heck
For the great reminder that portfolios don’t need to look the same.

Blog of the year: rooki.design
For the fresh, high-quality content for upcoming designers in a beautiful package.

Product of the year: Glitch
For creating a friendly and collaborative community for developers and creators.

Author of the year: José Torre
For all his writing, smart thinking, and beautiful illustrations that inspire and provoke our design community.